The meaning of the word yoga is union. It is derived from the Sanskrit word root “yuj” that signifies to join, to unite but also to disciplinate and surrender. 
— Sanskrit dictionary

Universal Yoga, Level 3, Andrey Lappa, 
2018 & 2019,  RYT Yoga Alliance 200 hours

Tibetan Meditation Practices, Instructor, 
​​​​​​​Loten DahortsangRikon , 2023 – 2024 

In-depth Pranayama Training, 
Svarupa Yoga Stephen Thomas, 100 hour, 2021 – 2022

Hatha Yoga professional education, 
Yogaakademie Doris Echlin, this education took place in Switzerland, Germany and India and is recognized throughout Europe.  2014 – 2018, BDY/EYU + SYV, 3000 hours  

Universal Yoga, Level 3, Andrey Lappa, 
2018 & 2019,  RYT Yoga Alliance 200 hours  

Universal Yoga, Level 2 & 3, Andrey Lappa, 
2017, RYT Yoga Alliance 200 hours  

Universal Yoga, Level 1, 2 & 3, Andrey Lappa, 
2016,  RYT Yoga Alliance 300 hours  

Therapeutic Vinyasa Krama, TT, United Yoga, 
2016, RYT Yoga Alliance 150 hours 

Therapeutic Vinyasa Krama, TT, United Yoga, 
2015, RYT Yoga Alliance 200 hours
Further studies

Hatha Yoga further studies,  
2023 – 2024

Pranic Healing, Basic & Advanced Training,   

Pranayama Immersions, 
Svarupa Yoga Stephen Thomas, 
2017 – 2024
Kaschmirischer Śivaismus, 
Seminars with Nathalie Delay, Vivek Nath
2017 – 2018

Energy workshop, United Yoga, 
RYT Yoga Alliance 75 hour, 2016

Anthroposophy art studies, 
Spring semester, Dornach 2015 

Reiki Initiation & Energy healing arts, 
Level I & II, Hawaii 2011 – 2015 

Hypnosis Therapist Modul 1 & 2, 

Lu Jong, Tibetisches Heilyoga, 
Personal practice

Dharma Practitioner, Karma Lekshey Ling Shedra, Nepal 2016 – now
Shamanic healing arts, Hiah Park, Österreich 2018 – 2023
Shamanic healing arts, extended retreats & ceremonies, Ecuador & Hawaii 2011 – 2015
Personal yoga practice, 2004 – now 
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